The hospital selfie is the dose of reality social media needs

May 2024 · 2 minute read
ShortcutsSocial media

So much of what we share online is fantasy, but posting pictures from a hospital bed helps people feel less isolated and can demystify disability and illness

Social media is often accused of presenting an airbrushed fantasy rather than a slice of realism, so it is refreshing to see the likes of Kate Beckinsale and Nicky Campbell embrace the “hospital selfie”, which involves tweeting photos from their hospital beds. (Alas, the Daily Mail’s Sarah Vine isn’t a fan, writing in her latest column: “Why the rest of us have to suffer I don’t know.”)

In the past two months, I have spent four days in hospital, and tweeted selfies on both occasions. There were many reasons: I tweet and post on Instagram a lot; I enjoy it; my friends interact with me; it’s how we keep abreast of each other’s lives. It helps us feel connected. They know how I’m feeling and, because I am juvenile, they also know when my blood pressure is 69/100 – nice.

Illness, especially chronic illness, can be very isolating. Not only does it limit how and when you can socialise, it causes you to feel unattractive. There’s more to life than being considered sexually desirable, but while there have been plenty of campaigns about weight, few – bar the #hospitalglam hashtag – challenge the idea that only healthy is sexy. I’m learning to believe that my epilepsy doesn’t disbar me from being considered attractive, so if I think I look palatable in A&E I’ll damn well Instagram it.

But most importantly, hospital selfies demystify disability and illness. I’ve had grateful messages from people thanking me for being open about health on social media: from others with epilepsy who feel less alone; from a man who shows his daughter my tweets and Instagram pictures, and says she feels much less of a pariah knowing others are in the same boat; and from people asking for coping mechanisms and tips.

I want to know when my friends need help, as well as when they’re happy; when they’re vulnerable, as well as when they feel strong. And they want to know I’m on the mend. Plus, I look like Hellraiser when I’m having an EEG: it’s funny.
