Former Barcelona and Brazilian Football Star Dani Alves Arrested for Alleged Sexual Assault in Barce

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Update: Former Barcelona and Brazil star, Dani Alves arrested and quizzed over claim he sexually assaulted a woman in Barcelona�nightclub

Police in Barcelona have taken former Barcelona and Brazilian defender, Dani Alves, into custody for questioning regarding an accusation of sexual assault at a local nightclub.

Alves, who played for the iconic city nightclub Sutton, has denied the allegations, stating in a Spanish TV interview, “I don’t know who this lady is. I don’t know her name, I don’t know her, I’ve never seen her in my life.”

The 39-year-old, who currently plays for Mexican side UNAM Pumas, was arrested at an undisclosed location and subsequently escorted to a police station in Les Corts neighborhood to provide a statement.

Reports suggest that he made arrangements for the police interview through his legal representatives and is expected to undergo standard procedural processes before the court hearing.

A spokesman for the regional Mossos D’Esquadra confirmed the arrest and added, “It will be up to the court now to decide what measures to take.”

Charges of sexual abuse in Spain encompass a range of acts, from unwanted sexual touching to rape, although specific details of the case have not been disclosed by the authorities.

The Barcelona Court of Instruction Number 15 initiated proceedings following a formal complaint filed by the woman, alleging the incident took place at a nightclub in Barcelona in December.

Alves had recently traveled to Spain from Mexico with the permission of his club due to a family bereavement, following the death of his mother-in-law. UNAM Pumas expressed their condolences for the family’s loss in a formal statement.

Earlier reports had suggested that Alves was alone with the woman for a brief period in a nightclub toilet before the alleged incident occurred.
