What is the prize for winning The Voice this year?

May 2024 · 3 minute read

The Voice had a great season 16 with several amazing and talented singers competing to win. Although many artists deserved to move past The Voice and onto bigger things, only one can have the title of The Voice champion.

Blake Shelton had three team members make it to the top 4 contestants, while John Legend had one. All signs pointed to Team Blake with three out of four singers belonging to his team, but the win was never guaranteed.

Although many winners from The Voice have moved on to record deals and royalties, many fans want to know what the winners of The Voice receive for winning and which contestant won the prize this year.

Who won The Voice?

Although signs pointed to Team Blake winning The Voice this season, it looks like he’ll have to try for another win next time.

John Legend was a new judge on The Voice this season, but that didn’t make him any less experienced in knowing which singers are very talented.

Maelyn Jarmon from Team Legend won The Voice season 16, making many fans proud. Not only did John Legend win his first season as a judge, but Maelyn Jarmon won as the only contestant against Blake Shelton’s three singers.

Maelyn Jarmon won many fans over this season, even becoming the most streamed contestant on iTunes. Regardless of which contestant was your favorite, there is no denying that Maelyn Jarmon worked hard to win this season, and she has a lot of talent.

Now that Maelyn Jarmon is the winner of The Voice, fans can expect to see her producing her own music within the next few years. However, a record deal isn’t the only thing that Maelyn Jarmon will leave The Voice with.

What do you win on The Voice?

The musician who takes home the champion title on The Voice gets to take home more than just a title. After all, several months of hard work and dedication deserves to be recognized with more than just a title.

Winners of The Voice receive a trophy of their win, $100,000, and a record deal, giving them the potential to make more money through royalties.

Along with the ability to start their careers in music, the winners leave The Voice after forming a relationship with musical experts who can continue to help these winners grow as their careers progress.

Maelyn Jarmon’s win on The Voice is brand new, but fans are excited to see what she does next with her music. Maybe one day there will be a collaboration between John Legend and Maelyn Jarmon for fans to enjoy.
