The Meaning Behind The Song: Take Me Away by Morgan Wade

May 2024 · 5 minute read

The Meaning Behind The Song: “Take Me Away” by Morgan Wade


Hey there, music lovers! Today, I want to dive into the profound meaning behind one of my favorite songs, “Take Me Away” by Morgan Wade. This heartfelt track has resonated with me in such a personal way, and I can’t wait to share with you why.

Table of Contents

The Lyrics

Let’s take a closer look at the lyrics:

[Verse 1]
“If I could go let down my hair
Would you take off those clothes you wear?
And hold me here tonight?
If I can learn to trust someone
My heart is like a loaded gun
Tell me it will be alright”

In the first verse, Morgan Wade beautifully expresses her desire to let go of inhibitions and find intimacy. The vulnerable imagery of “letting down her hair” and the request to be held serves as a plea for emotional connection. The line, “If I can learn to trust someone, my heart is like a loaded gun,” suggests the potential for both danger and power when it comes to opening oneself up to love.

[Pre-Chorus 1]
“I’ve been looking for some peace of mind
With you here, I think it’s time”

Here, Morgan acknowledges her search for inner peace and hints at finding it in the presence of this special someone. It signifies a turning point in her journey towards vulnerability and emotional fulfillment.

“Lay me down on the floor in the kitchen
Show my angry heart what I’ve been missing
Baby, take me away
I’m so tired of being alone
Won’t you rest my angry bones?
Baby, take me away
I wanna feel something, mhm
Take me away”

The chorus paints a vivid picture of craving and longing for someone to take her away from her feelings of loneliness and frustration. The imagery of being laid down on the floor in the kitchen suggests a desire to be completely vulnerable with this person. Morgan’s plea to “rest her angry bones” implies a need for healing and a longing to feel something real.

[Verse 2]
“I’m so good at resisting
Been putting up my best defenses
But I am growing weak
Baby, baby, lay me down
Take the words out of my mouth
I’m too tired to speak”

In the second verse, Morgan admits to being skilled at keeping her guard up. However, she acknowledges that her defenses are crumbling, and she is feeling weary. She yearns for her lover to take charge and provide her with the comfort she so desperately craves.

[Pre-Chorus 2]
“The woman in me, she needs the lover in you
I think you know what to do”

Here, Morgan recognizes the duality within her, the woman who longs for love and the lover who can fulfill that longing. She trusts that her partner understands her needs and will act accordingly.

“Lay me down on the floor in the kitchen
Show my angry heart what I’ve been missing
Baby, take me away
I’m so tired of being alone
Won’t you rest my angry bones?
Baby, take me away
I wanna feel something, mhm
Take me away”

The chorus is repeated, emphasizing the intensity of Morgan’s desire for connection and escape from her current state.

My Personal Connection to the Song

I remember stumbling upon this song one night during a late-night drive. As soon as Morgan Wade’s soulful voice pierced through the speakers, I was captivated. It was as if she had poured her own experiences into every lyric, speaking directly to the hidden longings within my heart.

“Take Me Away” resonated with me on a deep level, as someone who has often found it challenging to let my guard down and trust others. The honesty and vulnerability in Morgan’s lyrics gave me the courage to confront my own fears and seek emotional connection.

The raw emotions conveyed throughout the song reminded me of the power of music to touch our souls and provide solace during our darkest moments. Through her authentic storytelling, Morgan Wade reminded me that I wasn’t alone in my struggles and that it’s okay to seek assistance in finding true emotional fulfillment.


“Take Me Away” by Morgan Wade is a powerful anthem for anyone yearning for emotional connection and vulnerability. The song beautifully captures the inner turmoil of wanting to let go of defenses while fearing the potential pain that comes with it. Morgan’s evocative vocals and heartfelt lyrics make this track relatable and emotionally charged.

So, if you’re feeling alone in your journey towards love and understanding, take a moment to listen to “Take Me Away” and let its resonant message guide you towards opening your heart and embracing the beauty of vulnerability.

Remember, we are all in this together, and music has a unique way of reminding us that we are never truly alone.

Thank you for joining me today as we explored the meaning behind “Take Me Away” by Morgan Wade. Until next time, keep listening and let the music heal your soul!


– Song: “Take Me Away”
– Artist: Morgan Wade
– Album: Reckless (2021)
– Release Date: February 12, 2021
