Songs to kill too and songs that make you want to kill

May 2024 ยท 2 minute read
Kind of a double header with this one.

Imagine for a moment, that you've gone completely Postal and decided to kill as many people within your reach until you yourself are finally put down. Imagine also that you've got your Ipod/Mp3 player on you and your listening to one song on repeat that is driving you to butcher people more maliciously etc....... What is that song and why?

Secondly, name any songs that sned you from tranquil and happy-go-lucky to uber pissed and blood thirsty within the first three bars and why.

My examples:

I'd want to kill to 'Hatredcopter' by Dethklok, mainly because the song itself is about a guy who pilots a helicopter with the intent to hunt people down and kill them either with guns or just by dicing them up in the rotor blades. Not only that, but the tune is pretty heavy overall and the vocal styles just seem to conjur up nasty thoughts :icon_twisted:

The second song for me would be Prime Evil Renaissance by Satyricon. The feel of the song just creates images of an undead army rising to slaughter the living all in the name of sin and doom. The song even includes a line about 'marching under a flag of dominion and hate' and 'welcoming the return of sin'

For songs that make me want to kill, it's got to go to 'Sweet Child of Mine' and 'November Rain'. Now i hate GnR anyway, but back when i worked in my local pub, the douchebags that drank in there would often put these songs on 3 times a night each, EVERY night. Can you imagine what that does to your psyche? The same applies for Bon Jovi, except it doesn't matter what song it is

Chesney Hawkes - The One and Only also makes my blood and boil to the point of blood vessels bursting left and right.
