May 2024 · 3 minute read

Boyle over!

Frumpy singing sensation Susan Boyle lost in a stunning upset today on the British TV talent show where she had become an international Internet sensation last month with her incredible rendition of “I Dreamed a Dream” from “Les Miserables.”

The UK public picked a dance troupe called Diversity as the winner of “Britain’s Got Talent” over the Scottish songbird, who came in second out of a group of 10 finalists.

The group of street hoofers from London took the $160,000 first prize, along with a date to perform before Queen Elizabeth II at the Royal Variety Show.

Boyle was gracious in defeat.

“The best people won,” she said. “They’re very entertaining. Lads, I wish you the best.”

Diversity’s win came completely out of left field, as all signs pointed to victory for Boyle, a lonely church volunteer who shocked audiences with golden pipes that belied her dowdy appearance.

After her defeat, the 48-year-old Boyle curtsied to the audience before delivering her goofy, signature hip shake.

Dressed in a shimmering, floor-length purple gown for the final performance today, Boyle beautifully reprised her signature song, “I Dreamed a Dream.”

Even though she lost, it was a hit with the judges.

“To me that was the greatest performance I’ve seen in ‘Britain’s Got Talent’ history,” judge Piers Morgan said before the votes were cast. “You should win this competition. I loved it.”

Boyle – whose unlikely performance at the beginning of the show drew more than 220 million views on YouTube – has suffered under the toll of her newfound fame.

She flipped out Wednesday when confronted by reporters at a London hotel, dropping F-bombs and telling producers she was quitting.

“American Idol” judge Simon Cowell, who also judges the British talent show, told Boyle last night that he’s glad she got her act together.

“You’ve had a weird seven weeks and you had every right to walk away from this,” Cowell said.

“A lot of people said you shouldn’t even be in this competition, that you’re not equipped to deal with it,” he said. “For what? For you to sit home with your cat and say ‘I’ve missed an opportunity’ and I completely disagree with that.

“Win or lose, you had the guts to come back here tonight, face your critics – and you beat them,” Cowell concluded.

Diversity choreographer Ashley Banjo couldn’t believe he beat out the Boyle juggernaut.

“When you said our name, I thought I was dreaming,” he told show hosts Anthony “Ant” McPartlin and Declan “Dec” Donnelly. “Everyone who has voted – you have changed our lives.”
