RHOSLC season 3 episode 12: Why did fans slam Angie Katsanevas for feeling uncomfortable durin

May 2024 · 4 minute read

The Genuine Housewives of Salt Lake City (RHOSLC) season 3 circulated episode 12 on Wednesday, including a ton of show.

While Heather Gay’s bruised eye was the feature of the most recent episode, it additionally centered around Lisa Barlow and Meredith Marks’ quarrel.

The last option and Jen Shah told Heather and Angie Katsanevas that Lisa has done “SEC recording” since she has no cash.

RHOSLC fans pummeled Angie K as they guaranteed that she was the person who got some information about the SEC documenting and afterward conceded to being awkward for abusing Lisa.

RHOSLC fans brought up Angie K’s way of behaving and referred to her as “counterfeit” Watchers saw Angie Katsanevas expressing two distinct things in RHOSLC season 3 episode 12.

She was at first inquisitive to figure out about Lisa Barlow’s SEC recording and crowdfunding business yet later expressed that she was awkward examining it despite Lisa’s good faith.

Fans got down on Angie K on Twitter for her “phony” conduct. They called attention to that she was the one to begin the subject in the runner van.

Angie K : what’s this SEC thing about?

Also Angie K: I’m so uncomfortable talking about Lisa’s business without Lisa being here. #RHOSLC pic.twitter.com/y1mVXU7CPz

— Jonathan Richards Umansky (@j_scott_82) December 22, 2022

In RHOSLC season 3 episode 12, the ladies went out to have a great time on their San Diego trip. After their go-karting experience, Lisa, Whitney Rose, and Danna Bui-Negrete went roller skating, and the excess four decided to go wine sampling. At the wine sampling, Jen Shah began the discussion about Lisa’s business.

She said: “There’s a SEC documenting. A crowdfunding, where Lisa is the most extravagant b**ch out of us all, yet she’s attempting to crowdfund for $25,000.”

Meredith further expressed that it was valid and that the SEC recording was public, which uncovered that Lisa had a credit “way underneath market esteem.” She inferred that Lisa was destitute.

The four housewives then, at that point, bounced on their runner van to return home. Around then, Angie K got some information about the SEC recording and whether she could enquire about it.

At the point when Meredith, Heather, and Jen began making sense of Lisa’s business and tossed conceal at her, Angie K didn’t stop them and took in every one of the subtleties.

Love how Angie K. got in the sprinter van asking questions about Lisa’s SEC filing, but then in her confessional talks about how uncomfortable she is speaking about Lisa without her being present. Please get this woman off of my TV. She is fake AF.#RHOSLC pic.twitter.com/tHIDyLz0Y1

— maxwell724 (@maxwell724) December 22, 2022

In a confession booth, she then, at that point, said: “I am so awkward with Lisa not being here and afterward discussing her systematic she is accomplishing something obscure.

The fact that Lisa is down and out makes it essentially impossible that. She wouldn’t be wearing the brands she’s wearing, driving the vehicle she’s driving, and residing in the home that she’s residing in today. Also, that what’s being poor resembles, I’ll take it.”Angie K squealed on Meredith and others to Lisa Barlow

In the wake of arriving at home, Angie K went to Lisa Barlow and squealed on Meredith, Heather, and Jen. Lisa was not stunned by the data in light of the fact that previous Danna had likewise had comparative subtleties with her. Danna told Lisa that Meredith raised her business and SEC recording subtleties when she had a party with Meredith, Angie Harrington, and Heather Gay.

Towards the finish of RHOSLC season 3 episode 12, Lisa was angry at Meredith for discussing her business despite her good faith.

Angie K stoked the fire by telling Lisa that Meredith discussed John Barlow (Lisa’s significant other) not having some work.

During their Goddess-themed supper, Whitney Rose blended the pot by asking who raised Lisa’s SEC recording subject. The last option then began faulting Meredith and blamed her for getting payback for the scandalous “hot mic” second (which occurred in season 2). Heather then figured out how to quiet both the ladies down and redirect the discussion to her bruised eye.

The episode finished on a cliffhanger, with everybody pondering Heather’s bruised eye. RHOSLC season 3 will presently return one year from now.

Watchers can watch the most recent episode on Thursday on Peacock. RHOSLC airs new episodes on Wednesdays on Bravo at 8.00 PM ET.
