WWE NXTResults(11/14) Final Hype For War Games, More

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Evans takes down Rivera. Evans does pushups on Rivera’s back. Evans tosses Rivera around the ring. Evans pulls out a napkin and wipes the sweat from her brow. Rivera fires up and gets a near fall. Evans goes nuts and separates Rivera’s jaw from her head with the Women’s Right. Rivera is out.

Winner- Lacy Evans

After the match, Evans says NXT is full of a bunch of classless nasties. These women don’t know how to carry themselves as ladies. Evans will continue to lead by example.

O’Reilly punches Hanson but Hanson just shrugs it off. Hanson runs over O’Reilly. O’Reilly rolls out of the ring. O’Reilly slowly makes his way back in the ring. O’Reilly tries to sweep Hanson’s leg but Hanson avoids it. O’Reilly hits the ropes but Hanson runs over him yet again. Hanson turns O’Reilly inside out after tossing him into the corner. Drumbeats of destruction by Hanson. O’Reilly falls out of the ring. O’Reilly kicks Hanson in the knee. O’Reilly kicks Hanson in the leg over and over again. Palm strikes by O’Reilly. Hanson catches O’Reilly with a body slam. Hanson misses a running splash. O’Reilly chop blocks Hanson. Outside dragon screw by O’Reilly. O’Reilly puts Hanson in a kneebar. Hanson fights out of the hold. Sidewalk slam by Hanson. Hanson crushes O’Reilly in the corner. Spinning power slam by Hanson. O’Reilly kicks out at 2.9.

O’Reilly and Hanson trade strikes. Hanson hits O’Reilly so hard O’Reilly falls out of the ring. Hanson dives onto O’Reilly. Hanson goes up top. Adam Cole walks out on the ramp. Hanson misses a moonsault. O’Reilly knees Hanson in the face. O’Reilly puts Hanson in an ankle lock. Hanson gets to the ropes. While the referee is distracted Cole kicks Hanson in the head. O’Reilly hits Ax and Smash for a near fall. Rowe runs down to ringside and takes out Cole. The rest of Undisputed Era attacks Rowe. Pete Dunne tries to make the save. Strong takes out Rowe from behind. Ricochet runs in from the crowd and hits a huge tope from inside the ring to the outside. O’Reilly hits Hanson in the back of the head with the tag title for the win.

Winner- Kyle O’Reilly

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