May 2024 · 3 minute read

In the late ’80s, the town of Carlsbad, California was shaken by a tragic incident involving 16-year-old Jenny Pratt. Despite the passage of time, the mystery of what happened to her continues to haunt the community. Let’s explore the details of this unsolved case and where things stand today.

The Teen with Dreams:

Jenny Pratt, a lively 16-year-old with dreams of becoming a model, captured the hearts of Carlsbad locals. Her popularity soared in the local high school, where she exuded an outgoing personality. Little did anyone know that an ill-fated romance with Curtis Croft, a 24-year-old with a troubled past, would change her life forever.

A Fateful Night in 1987:

On April 25, 1987, Pratt and Croft embarked on a day together, speeding through Carlsbad on a motorcycle. Their joyous ride took a tragic turn when a wooden plank, thrown by someone in a passing truck, struck Pratt on the back of her head. The impact was severe, leading to profuse bleeding and an urgent airlift to Scripps Medical Center in La Jolla.

A Life Altered Forever:

The aftermath of the incident left Pratt in a critical condition. The 2 by 4 plank had crushed her skull, causing immediate brain shutdown. Pratt miraculously survived but fell into a three-month coma. When she awoke, the once vibrant teenager was confined to a wheelchair and had regressed to a childlike state mentally.

Seeking Justice, Finding Challenges:

Determined to unveil the truth, Pratt’s parents collaborated with a private investigator. Despite having suspicions about the assailant’s identity, no concrete evidence emerged. The Carlsbad police followed leads but found only circumstantial evidence. Pratt’s parents faced the heartbreaking reality that justice might elude them.

Unanswered Questions and Recanted Statements:

Curtis Croft, initially naming three people from the truck, later recanted his statement, claiming he never saw their faces. A polygraph test, which he passed, further complicated the investigation. No arrests have been made in connection to the crime, leaving the case shrouded in uncertainty.

Jenny’s Progress and Ongoing Struggles:

In a 1988 interview, Pratt’s parents shared a glimmer of hope amid the darkness. Her speech had improved, and she was making progress in relearning basic skills. However, the journey was arduous, with medical bills reaching $400,000. Doctors optimistically predicted an 85% recovery of her physical and mental abilities within a decade.

The Unsolved Mysteries Spotlight:

Jenny Pratt’s case gained national attention when featured on the TV show “Unsolved Mysteries.” The hope was that the exposure would bring new leads and help crack the case wide open. Unfortunately, the mystery persisted, leaving the Pratt family grappling with unanswered questions.

Decades Later: A Community Awaits Closure:

As the years passed, the mystery surrounding Jenny Pratt’s tragic incident remains unresolved. The community of Carlsbad, along with Pratt’s family, still awaits closure. The unsolved nature of the case serves as a poignant reminder of the lingering impact of that fateful night in 1987.


Jenny Pratt’s story is one of tragedy, resilience, and unanswered questions. The passage of time has not dimmed the determination to seek justice for her and her family. As the community continues to grapple with the unsolved mystery, the hope for closure lingers, fueled by the enduring spirit of a town that refuses to forget.

