how tall is stewen yeum?

May 2024 · 4 minute read

Steven Yeun is one of the most popular and acclaimed actors of his generation. He rose to fame as Glenn Rhee on the hit TV show The Walking Dead, and recently made history as the first Asian American actor to be nominated for an Oscar for his role in Minari. But how tall is Steven Yeun, really? And does his height affect his career and personal life? In this article, we will reveal the truth about Steven Yeun’s height, and how he deals with the challenges and opportunities that come with it. ## Steven Yeun’s Height: The Facts According to IMDb, Steven Yeun’s official height is **5 feet 9 inches** (175 cm). This makes him slightly taller than the average American male, who stands at 5 feet 8.4 inches (174 cm) according to the CDC. However, compared to some of his co-stars and fellow actors, Steven Yeun may seem shorter than he actually is. For example, on The Walking Dead, Steven Yeun often shared the screen with Andrew Lincoln, who plays Rick Grimes, and Norman Reedus, who plays Daryl Dixon. Both Lincoln and Reedus are 5 feet 10 inches (178 cm) tall, making them an inch taller than Yeun. Similarly, in Minari, Steven Yeun plays the husband of Yeri Han, who is 5 feet 8 inches (173 cm) tall. With only an inch difference between them, Yeun and Han appear to be almost the same height on screen. ## Steven Yeun’s Height: The Challenges Being a 5 feet 9 inches tall actor may not seem like a big deal, but Steven Yeun has faced some challenges and stereotypes because of his height. In Hollywood, where many leading men are over 6 feet tall, Steven Yeun has had to deal with the perception that he is not tall enough to be a leading man. In an interview with GQ, Yeun said that he was often told that he was “too Asian, too short, too whatever” to get certain roles. Additionally, as an Asian American actor, Steven Yeun has had to overcome the stereotype that Asian men are short and weak. In an interview with The New York Times, Yeun said that he was aware of the “emasculation” of Asian men in American media, and that he wanted to challenge that image. He said, “I don’t want to be a representative for the idea of what it means to be masculine. I just want to exist as me.” ## Steven Yeun’s Height: The Opportunities Despite the challenges and stereotypes, Steven Yeun has also found opportunities and advantages because of his height. For one thing, being 5 feet 9 inches tall means that he can fit into a variety of roles, from action heroes to romantic leads. He has shown his versatility and range in films such as Burning, Okja, and Mayhem, where he played characters with different personalities and backgrounds. Moreover, being a 5 feet 9 inches tall Asian American actor means that he can bring a unique perspective and voice to the industry. He has used his platform to advocate for more diversity and representation in Hollywood, and to tell stories that resonate with his identity and culture. He has also inspired many fans and aspiring actors who look up to him as a role model and a trailblazer. ## Steven Yeun’s Height: The Conclusion Steven Yeun’s height is 5 feet 9 inches, which makes him slightly taller than the average American male, but slightly shorter than some of his co-stars and fellow actors. His height has posed some challenges and stereotypes for him, especially as an Asian American actor in Hollywood, but it has also opened up opportunities and advantages for him. He has proven that he can play any role he wants, and that he can break the barriers and norms that limit him. He has also shown that he is more than just his height, and that he is a talented and charismatic actor who deserves all the recognition and praise he gets.
