How do I find outlaw systems in NMS?

May 2024 · 5 minute read

Outlaw systems in No Man’s Sky can be found in any system that was previously inhabited by any of the races. These systems can be identified on the galaxy map using a Conflict or Economy scanner. Look for systems with a high conflict rating or a negative economy rating to increase your chances of finding outlaw activity.

1. What types of systems can outlaw stations be found in?

Outlaw stations can be found in any system previously inhabited by any of the races.

2. How can I identify an outlaw station?

An outlaw station can be identified from the outside by having pieces of broken metal floating in space and a red tractor beam instead of a blue one.

3. Are there specific scanners I can use to find outlaw systems?

Yes, you can use a Conflict or Economy scanner on the galaxy map to locate outlaw systems. Look for systems with a high conflict rating or a negative economy rating.

4. Are there any visual cues to look out for when searching for outlaw systems?

Yes, when searching for an outlaw system, look for abandoned stations with pieces of broken metal floating in space and a red tractor beam instead of a blue one.

5. Can I find outlaw systems near any specific landmarks or regions?

Outlaw systems can be found throughout the galaxy and are not limited to specific landmarks or regions. They can be found in any system previously inhabited by any of the races.

6. Are there any specific ships or factions associated with outlaw systems?

There are no specific ships or factions associated with outlaw systems. Outlaw activity can be found in systems previously inhabited by any of the races.

7. How can I increase my chances of finding an outlaw system?

You can increase your chances of finding an outlaw system by using a Conflict or Economy scanner on the galaxy map and looking for systems with a high conflict rating or a negative economy rating.

8. Can I find outlaw systems in uncharted or undiscovered regions of the galaxy?

Yes, outlaw systems can be found in uncharted or undiscovered regions of the galaxy. They can be located using a Conflict or Economy scanner on the galaxy map.

9. Can I find outlaw systems by following a specific quest or storyline in the game?

There is no specific quest or storyline that leads to finding outlaw systems in No Man’s Sky. They can be found randomly throughout the galaxy by using a Conflict or Economy scanner on the galaxy map.

10. Are outlaw systems more common in certain galaxy types?

Outlaw systems can be found in any galaxy type, including normal, lush, rich, and exotic galaxies. They are not limited to specific galaxy types.

11. Can I find outlaw systems near black holes or other celestial phenomena?

Outlaw systems can be found near black holes or other celestial phenomena, but they can also be found in any system previously inhabited by any of the races. The presence of a black hole or other celestial phenomenon does not guarantee the presence of an outlaw system.

12. How do I know if I have discovered an outlaw system?

An outlaw system will appear on the galaxy map with a high conflict rating or a negative economy rating. You can also identify an outlaw system by the presence of an abandoned station with broken pieces of metal floating in space and a red tractor beam.

13. Can I trade or interact with the outlaws in these systems?

In general, outlaws in No Man’s Sky are hostile and cannot be traded or interacted with in a friendly manner. They will attack on sight, so it is best to approach with caution or avoid them altogether.

14. Are there any unique resources or items that can be found in outlaw systems?

There are no specific unique resources or items that can only be found in outlaw systems. However, these systems may have a higher chance of containing valuable resources or rare items due to their lawless nature.

15. Can I join the outlaws or become an outlaw myself?

No, it is not possible to join the outlaws or become an outlaw in No Man’s Sky. The player character is an interloper and can interact with various factions and races, but cannot become a criminal or align with criminal organizations.

16. Are there any special missions or activities available in outlaw systems?

There are no special missions or activities specifically tied to outlaw systems. However, these systems may provide a more challenging gameplay experience due to the presence of hostile outlaws.

17. Are outlaw systems more dangerous than other systems?

Outlaw systems can be more dangerous than other systems due to the presence of hostile outlaws. It is advisable to approach these systems with caution and be prepared for combat encounters.

18. Can I find outlaw stations on planets or only in space?

Outlaw stations can be found both in space and on planets. They can be identified from the outside by having pieces of broken metal floating in space and a red tractor beam instead of a blue one.

19. How can I avoid attracting attention from outlaws in these systems?

To avoid attracting attention from outlaws in these systems, it is recommended to avoid engaging in combat or displaying valuable cargo. Additionally, having a high-quality shield and weapons can help defend against potential attacks.

20. Can I find outlaw systems in multiplayer mode as well?

Yes, outlaw systems can be found in both single-player and multiplayer modes of No Man’s Sky. The presence of outlaws and outlaw systems is consistent across different game modes.

21. Can I report or take down outlaw systems in the game?

No, there is no specific mechanism in the game to report or take down outlaw systems. They are a part of the procedural generation of the game and cannot be altered or removed by the player.

22. How can I use the red tractor beam in these systems?

The red tractor beam in outlaw systems is a visual indicator of the lawless nature of these systems. It does not have any specific gameplay function and cannot be used by the player.
